Introducing the 7Ps
Glenda @ Mitchell News
Be intentional about what you choose to do. Be intentional about actually doing it.
March 2024
Introducing the 7Ps
Reflecting on the past to uncover patterns & priorities
It was a privilege to be interviewed by Jeanne Martinson from publisher Wood Dragon Books on the online launch of KICKING Out THE BUCKET List. I enjoyed spending time with those who attended and have appreciated hearing from many who couldn’t make it on the day.
An uncut version of the interview can be found here:
I hope you enjoy the following excerpt from the book:
They say not to judge a book by its cover, but I’m excited that Kicking Out The Bucket List: Living Life With Intention And Passion, has been picked by AllAuthor to be one of the contenders in the Cover of the Month contest – March 2024.
For those that have asked, for further information or to order the book directly (signed copies available)
You can also order paperback, hardcover or kindle copies via Amazon in your country. The link for Australia/NZ is:
**Passion – Core of the 7Ps*
It’s a couple of months into 2024 and your New Year resolutions are a distant memory? Possibly you’re not even sure if they’re that important anyway. Or perhaps you didn’t make any as they never seem to work – you usually end up feeling more disillusioned, more of a failure than if you hadn’t tried. Maybe you’re making progress but momentum is slowing, obstacles are looming and you’re not sure how you can keep it going.
One of the reasons for your lack of commitment to the action could be the amount of value you have placed on doing it. Whyyou want to do it in the first place. If it’s not that important to you or the people around you, is it important at all? If you’re struggling to complete something, maybe it’s just because you don’t care enough about it, and that’s OK.
What I have termed passion, could equally be considered as purpose or values. The clearer we are on why we make the choices we make the more committed we can be to taking the actions to achieve the outcomes.
Maybe it’s time for you to reflect on what is of most value to you. Perhaps you have already tried those exercises where you answer questionnaires or fill in spreadsheets in an attempt to find your purpose, what you are most passionate about. For some, this has worked, for others, the page is as empty as it was when you started.
An alternative approach to working out what is important is to start with what you already know. Reflecting on what you have achieved in the past can provide valuable insights into what you choose to do going forward. Thinking about why you did what you did and contemplating whether you’d do it again. It’s not about dwelling on the failures of the past or regretting what you have done, but it’s about gleaning information to help you make intentional choices for the future.
Recently, when I asked someone to give feedback on an early version of Kicking out the Bucket List, he said “I learned that reflection on my past can uncover patterns and priorities in a more enjoyable way than trying to plan for the future when there is finite time and infinite options”. (James King)
In my 7Ps model, I represent passion at the core, feeding into the circle of steps around it. I believe it is something that drives our decisions. It helps us decide what we should focus on and when. Or if we should do it at all. It is something to draw on when the going gets tough. Passion is by no means static – it should be revisited regularly as life’s priorities change.
Next month I’ll reveal another one of the 7Ps, so look out for it in your inbox.
*Quote of the Month*
“Understanding your motivation for a decision helps you stay committed to it.”
– Brant Desmar
If you would like to discuss anything that you’ve read, I’d love to hear from you!