Fri. Apr 26th, 2024

About Us

We love God, enjoy travel, cherish people and thrive on adventure – not necessarily in that order.  We share a passion for community, meeting and connecting with people from all walks of life.  We have discovered that there are so many amazing, generous and kind people all over the world.  Our strongest desire is for a world where in spite of a lack of uniformity, people are able to live together in unity and love.

Glenda inspires people through her boundless energy and enthusiasm, believing that ordinary people are able to do extraordinary things.  Glenda is gifted at coming alongside others, helping them to discover or rekindle their passion.  She has worked with individuals and groups, challenging them to take the road less travelled and to achieve goals they never dreamed possible. For Glenda’s LinkedIn profile click here.

Walter has a strong desire for people to be content, living full lives in their community.  He enjoys helping people prioritise all areas their lives.  Walter works with individuals to enable them to assess how they spend their time and money.  He loves to see the freedom they enjoy following a process of decluttering, reducing debt and focusing on what is important. For Walter’s Linkedin profile click here.