Notturna di San Giovanni 2022
Earlier in the year we took part in the Guarda Firenze (look at Florence) run which included a run around the city including some of the hills. We enjoyed the run with many of the city streets closed for us. The streets were also filled with spectators
Shortly after getting back from Germany, we had an opportunity to take part in the Notturna di San Giovanni (Night run of San Giovanni) which was a run through many of the city streets starting at 9pm. An interesting time for a run as dusk turns to night.
We were not sure how we would go given we almost always run in the early morning. What do we eat during the day? We elected for an early lunch and no dinner. It was a warm day and didn’t really cool down for the evening (29 degrees C).
This race is part of the festival of San Giovanni (Saint John), the patron saint of Florence. This year was the 82nd running of the race. There were about 1500 registered runners and also many unregistered runners (need to register if you want a time and ranking points).
All-in-all, we enjoyed the run especially the transition from dusk to night. We ran past many people enjoying their dinner. We started at the Duomo, ran through many of the city streets, along the Arno river, and of course crossed the Ponte Vechio.
We tried taking photos, but taking photos whilst running and then also in low light is not easy.