Larapinta Trail Day 10: Section 8: Serpentine Gorge – Serpentine Chalet (15km)

Today sees us high up on the Heavitree Range, walking along one of the Larapinta’s classic sections, slowly heading towards Counts Point. One of the highlights along the trail, (so good that Qantas helicopted a children’s choir up here!), Counts Point with its stunning views and incredible sense of space is a sensational place for a snack and some quiet, deep breathing. Camp tonight is at Serpentine Chalet.
15km/7hr walk
Glenda’s thoughts
Adam had to head into town to restock, so we were up early. We took the opporunity of having some extra time to take a couple of detours. The first was into Serpentine Gorge and the latter a climb up to a lookout. Walter was glad that I coerced him into doing the latter as the views of the sun coming up over the valley were worth the effort of the climb.

We were so fortunate to get to Counts Point – where they filmed the Australian youth choir singing “I still call Australia home – when nobody else was there. Our group chose to stay and have lunch at the top of the ridge and soon we were left on our own as the other hikers left. That is after hearing a story from one of the independent hikers of how a pack of dingoes took her hiking boots. Had our first full views of Mt Sonder. Still almost a week before we get to climb up her leg.

Here is a short video clip walking out to Counts Point –
The afternoon walk was up and down through areas that had been affected by the 2019 bushfires. Interesting for a while but it became a little long and hot.

We have time to spend in our tents this afternoon to have a good wet wipe clean and get organized for tomorrow.

Our detours added on almost 5km, taking the total to almost 20km for the day.
You can watch a summary of our day 10 adventures here.