Locked down in New Farm

You may have read my post at the end of March when we had to cancel our trip to South Africa and find somewhere to stay for “lockdown” as Australia entered what we now know as the COVID-19 season. https://mitchell.news/2020/03/30/blessed-beyond-measure/
We spent the good part of three months in our small place with a big view. In addition to being involved in a myriad of online activities, there were a couple of things that kept us sane during the period.
Little glass house over the river ….
One of the unique characteristics of our little apartment was the enclosed balcony that seemed to be suspended over the river. Rain, wind or shine, it provided a sanctuary. The high table and stools provided a perfect place to have food or a drink and watch life on the river. This include the popular New Farm Walkway built over the river. During the initial period of COVID when people were only allowed out for exercise, this walkway was a hive of activity, requiring users to join the COVID dodge to avoid getting with the required 1.5m of each other.
Twinkling lights ….
Brisbane’s Story Bridge is a skip and a jump from our apartment. The landmark is illuminated with different colours each night. Typically each lighting display on the bridge is to commemorate a special day in history, raise awareness for charities and showcase upcoming events. If there’s nothing on the go, the fallback is Brisbane’s blue and gold. Sadly, I haven’t taken a photo of every colour mix, but my phone is full of photos taken on different days and at different times. As the lights only go out around sunrise, I even have a few taken in the morning light.
Sunrise…sunset ….
In addition to the bridge, we have seen quite a few amazing sunsets over the river and city. Again, I haven’t captured then all, but will share a number with you.
The bear hunt ….
It’s impossible to get a definitive answer on where it started, but the bear hunt spread across the world. It was a great way to eliminate boredom for children in countries where they were at least able to go for a walk. People put the stuffed toys in trees, windows and wherever they could to provide a distraction. Our local restaurant even borrowed some mannequins from the hairdresser next door. A great way to maintain some connection while being physically distant!